Three Right-Now Presidential Prayer Strategies

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Our country is at a tremendous crossroads. We have internal strife between conservatives and liberals. There is strife within the Christian community, with some wanting to conform to culture and others wanting to conform to the Bible. We have $20 trillion in debt and our birth-rate is at an all-time low. There is instability in the world with wars and rumors of wars, just as Jesus foretold.

At the end of the day, the President is a person. He has authority to direct the affairs of the government, but he has to work with congress and the judicial system. He has limitations. He can’t fix all these problems. Only God can turn the nation around (with His people seeking him daily). Having said that, God can direct this man’s heart and mind to act wisely and in a manner that pleases God.

There are a few presidential prayer strategies the body of Christ needs to apply right now.

1) Pray for protection.

Our country is extremely divided. Those who oppose Donald Trump are more violent than ever. During the inauguration, parts of Washington, DC were destroyed by protestors. This included establishments like Starbucks that opposed Donald Trump! This level of recklessness and destruction is from satan. If the plans of Donald Trump are allowed to succeed, then he will ‘upset the apple-cart’ of politics. He is causing individuals world-wide to hate him because he wants other countries to deal fairly with America.

We need to pray for his protection. He is proposing items so drastic to the left-wing media (like fighting terrorism and promoting pro-life, which who knew would be a drastic idea?), that radicals in our country may attempt to harm him. An attack on him would be even further devastating to the unity of our country. We also want to pray for his family, as terrorists could try to harm them in a way to discourage him.

2) Pray for Wisdom

As mentioned earlier, there are a multitude of national and international problems. We need to pray for God to give him WISDOM to direct him towards policies that are constructive. Trump has to work with Congress and the judicial system. There are elements in both areas that are very hostile to anything in his agenda. Pray for the wisdom and tact in speech and action so that constructive policies can be approved. Pray for his heart to be soft to the will of God; pray for him to know how to properly respond to opposition.

3) Pray for Encouragement

The media has been bombarding this man for months with the hateful and virulent reports. Pray for his eyes and ears to be closed to their assaults. Pray for God to shield his eyes and ears. Ask God to give him a surge of confidence and encouragement as he implements the items that God puts upon his heart. Ask God to increase his sense of purpose as he fulfills his duties. Moreover, pray the same items for his family. The media has even attacked his ten-year old son, which is terrible and should never happen. Pray for the family to be unaffected by satan’s attacks. Lastly, pray for the media to have their narrative transitioned to such a degree that they only report the truth and not lies.

The Body of Christ needs to act quickly to stem the flow of the outrageous attacks against our country. God has given us a second chance in this election; let’s make the best of it.

About Kelly McDonald, Jr.

Child of God, Servant of God, Evangelist, Blogger, and Writer
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